Stories Like Yours

Each one of us has a unique life story. That’s why we’ve designed products that can be customized to meet your specific needs.

Customizable Solutions for Each Life Story

MetLife was there for people with similar circumstances to yours.

People first

Hi, my name is Shafik. I have my own business which launched 8 years ago. We started as a small team of 5 employees, marketing electronic products nationally. Thanks to the progress we’ve made over the years, we were able to expand our operations beyond Egypt and to other markets in the Middle East and Asia. 

Shafik’s story


Great benefits. Great employees

Hello, my name is Massoud and I am the HR manager of a multinational organization. The primary objective of my job is to attract, retain and motivate talented staff. In today’s world, it’s not always easy to find qualified and experienced employees, but once you do, it’s not easy either to meet their expectations in terms of compensation and benefits. 

Massoud’s story


Money saved is money earned

Hi, my name is Ahmed. I’m 45 years old and I own a graphic design company here in Cairo. I’ve worked hard all my life – and ever since I graduated from college, I knew that I was going to have my own business one day. I have a passion for design and I enjoy being independent. My career started at a small design firm, where I worked late nights as a freelancer for a small hourly fee. 

I vow to look after you

Hi, I’m Riham and my husband is Khalid. We’ve been married for 11 years now and we’ve finally bought our own villa two years ago. It’s the dream house that we’ve always wanted – large and with a beautiful garden for the children to play in. We’ve paid for it by using some of our savings and through a mortgage that our bank provided. Life was going great, until the news of Khalid’s accident shattered our peace. He was badly injured and had to spend over 3 months at the hospital before he was allowed to come back home. 

Riham’s story

Control the unexpected

Hi, I'm Adam and I've recently taken out an accident insurance mainly because of what happened to a friend of mine – Aziz. One day, he was driving to work, when someone trying to cut in front of him crashed into his car. It was a terrible accident. He fractured his spine and he is now paralyzed from the waist down.  To make things worse, he didn't have an accident insurance. This means he’s been using his savings to pay for his expenses because he can't work at the moment.

Boys will be boys

Hi, my name is Salma. Hani, my husband, works full-time while I stay at home to look after our two boys – who are growing up far too quickly. Caring for a family is also a full-time job and I always seem to be running around between school, horseback riding lessons and swimming classes. They're very active children, and like many mothers, I've ended up taking them to the doctor’s quite a few times, because of falls or some other accident while playing. We love our kids to bits.

Salma’s story

Your children’s future begins today

Hello, I'm Salwa. My husband and I just had our first baby, Gamila. As you can imagine, life is very exciting at the moment. We live in a lovely apartment that we bought last year. We both earn reasonable salaries and I'm lucky to work for a company that offers a good maternity package. This means our income hasn't been hit too hard since I'm on leave with the little one.

Salwa’s story

Mothers know best

Hello, I'm Amira. My husband Khaled and I moved to Cairo recently with our 4-year-old son, Shady. He's showing all the signs of a bright child and we want to give him as many opportunities as possible. My dream is for Shady to attend a college in the US or UK, even if it's going to be expensive for us to send him abroad. Khaled made sure that we have a sound investment portfolio, but I know that the financial market can have its ups and downs. 

Amira’s story

Life after kids go off to college

Hello, I'm Sameh. I'm married to Mira and we have two teenage children together. We live in a nice apartment in a good neighborhood. Knowing the kids will soon leave home for college, it's time for Mira and I to start thinking about our future and retirement.  I’ve been working for the same company that I started 14 years ago, which I really enjoy. 

Sameh’s story